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The American Spark
Guantanamo is "Stain on America", Says Ex-Prosecutor
Dec. 2nd, 2008
Its military tribunals exhibit such poor judicial standards that they may well
convict innocent people, said a former top Gitmo prosecutor today.
A Clear-Cut Explanation For Global Financial Mess
- Dec.
5th, 2008
One Congressional report provides an excellent primer for non-specialists who
wish to know precisely what factors have created the current economic
Chicago Workers' Takeover Becomes National Symbol
Dec. 8th, 2008
The workers and their act of protest has struck a chord with an American
populace facing unemployment during this economic meltdown.
Why Are Republicans Against The Automaker Bailout
- Dec. 10th, 2008
This anger probably has a lot to do with which political party gets more financial
support from the auto unions.
Financial Bailout Program Lacks Rules And Accountability
- Dec. 12th, 2008
The U.S. government cares little about spending restraints and accountability
as it bails out America's banking and financial big shots.
Bush's War Funding Masks True Costs, Says Think Tank
Dec. 17th, 2008
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan may cost U.S. taxpayers as much as $2.3 trillion
through 2018, states a Pentagon-funded think tank.
Has State Department Crippled UN Peacekeeping
- Dec. 22nd, 2008
The UN operations keep much of the world from sliding down into chaos--and
possibly pulling America down with it.
Cheney Behind Warrantless Wiretapping Rationale,
Reveals Study
- Dec. 27th, 2008
A top journalist has written a fascinating study of Dick Cheney's involvement in the
conquest of Executive Branch power.
Cheaper Ethanol Now Out-Sells Gasoline In Brazil
- Dec. 30th,
Ethanol sells for around 63 cents per liter in Brazil, compared to about $1.07 for
one liter of gasoline.
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