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The American Spark
BP Enjoys Close Ties to Obama, Lawmakers - May 4th, 2010

Barack Obama was the leading recipient of BP-related donations from the 2008
election cycle, happily collecting $71,000 from the British oil giant.
Prisons Are Becoming Big Business - May 9th, 2010

'The United States has 5% of the world’s population but 25% of its prisoners,'
tellingly reveals a recent government report.
Is Thailand Close To 'Civil War'? - May 16th, 2010

"The current situation is almost full civil war...I am not sure how this conflict will
end," says one protest leader.
Toxic Substances Agency Failing To Protect Citizens,
Says GAO - May 22nd, 2010

The federal agency charged with investigating possible community exposures to
toxic chemicals may be failing at its job.
Why Contractors Shouldn't Fight Our Wars - May 29th, 2010

The use of private security contractors threatens core values embodied in our
legal system, including respect for human dignity and accountability.
U.S. May Lack Ability To Respond To Oil Spills, Says
Gov't Report - May 31st, 2010

There's currently a question of whether U.S. officials have the necessary
knowledge and resources to respond to a major spill, says a top gov't study.