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The American Spark
Wall Street Finds New Business: Surrogate Tax
Collector  - Nov. 1st, 2010

Wall Street sees 'profits in tacking on fees and threatening to foreclose when
homeowners fall behind on property taxes,' states a new
Huffington Post video.
Why Republicans Will Solve Nothing - Nov. 5th, 2010

Those who won the U.S. House in Tuesday's election can only be changed by
current events, or utterly fail.
How Insurers Have Profited From U.S. Soldiers' Deaths -
Nov. 10th, 2010

On the eve of Veterans' Day, it's only right to discuss just how well our nation
treats our heroes' families when they are the ones needing help.
The Real Problem Behind U.S. Debt - Nov. 15th, 2010

U.S. debt has been exploding for over 50 years - long before Barack Obama
became President.
How Feds Regulate Mountaintop Mining In Appalachia -
Nov. 22nd, 2010

Is the US government properly protecting citizens from this potentially
dangerous coal mining procedure, or not?
Will 'Private Security Code of Conduct' Be Effective? - Nov.
27th, 2010

This month, many private security contractors will sign the International Code of
Conduct for Private Security Service Providers in Geneva, Switzerland.