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The American Spark
Could Wisconsin Election Come Down To Damning
E-Mails? - Apr. 13th, 2011

The Wisconsin election for State Supreme Court justice is beginning to look a
lot like the Bush-Gore presidential race in 2000.
Japan Earthquake Damage Four Times That Of
Hurricane Katrina - Apr. 18th, 2011

'Physical damage has been estimated [to be] ... four times as much as
Hurricane Katrina and roughly equivalent to the GDP of Greece,' states a
recent study.
U.S. Failures (Mis)Shaping War In Afghanistan - Apr. 25th,

'The US [and] its allies ... may currently be repeating the same kind of overall
messaging as the 'follies' presented in Vietnam,' states a major think-tank.
Freedom In Iraq? Don't You Believe It - Apr. 30th, 2011

Iraqi forces now routinely work to crush freedoms of speech and of the press,
says a fellow at Harvard University's Radcliffe Institute.
Some Government Spying Currently Set To Expire - Apr.
7th, 2011

Some of the most sweeping expansions of federal surveillance power may soon