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The American Spark
Feds Expand Use of Drones in U.S. Airspace - Feb. 16th,

By 2010, the FAA already had approved hundreds of 'certificates of
authorization' for drone deployment within the U.S.
Obama Prosecutes Whistleblowers, Claims ‘Espionage’ -
Feb. 24th, 2012

If Obama gets his way, the American public will never be able to discover what
the feds do in its name.
Line Between Pentagon & CIA Becoming Blurred, Admit
Officials - Feb. 28th, 2012

'Senior U.S. intelligence community officials have conceded that the line
separating CIA and [Pentagon] intelligence activities has blurred.'
Want To Meet Obama? It’ll Cost You - Feb. 29th, 2012

Let’s be honest: America is not a democracy. At best, it is a plutocracy owned
by our wealthiest few. And those few buy the slightly less wealthy politicians.
Why Congress Only Fights For Millionaires - Feb. 2nd, 2012

'About 47 percent of Congress, or 250 current members of Congress, are
millionaires,' points out a top political watchdog group.